Enheduana was the first non-anonymous author in the history known by name. I found this quite interesting, who knew the first author in the world would be an intrepid WOMAN?
This short story mainly talks about Enheduana's great experiences while she was a teenager, until her oldest age.
Enheduana's popular writings (in her day) tell us much about herself, the Sumerian religion, and politics. She kept on composing poetry and organizing her duties, even after her Father, Sargon died. Enheduana lived with her two twin brothers, Rimush and Manishtusu, and her father, Sargon the ruler of Mesopotamia, who later became the ruler of Kish and Akkhad.
Questions & Answers:
1. What did books look like during the time that Enheduana was writing? How were these books written?
Books looked like small clay pillows, not paperbacks. In her day, books were written on soft clay with a pointed tool called stylus.
2. Where did Enheduana and her family live? What did her father do?
Enheduana lived with her two twin brothers and her father. They lived in a spanking-new big palace, surrounded by the city-state of Akkhad in Sumer. Her father Sargon was an ambitious boy from a family of Mesopotamian farmers, began his rise to the top as humble cupbearer for the king of Kish, a nearby city-state. He managed to grabed the throne by himself, nobody could imagine how he did this remarkable thing. He then ruled over Kish and Akkhad and made them important cities of Sumer.
3. What was Enheduana’s job? List three of her duties. How did she lose her job?
Enheduana was a poet, and hymn writer and a priestess. Her most important duty was to annual New Year celebration every spring. She lost her job because of her nephew, he fired her and put his daughter in charge.
4. The author says that Enheduana’s poems were so popular that they were like bestsellers today. What evidence does she use to support this claim?
The author is trying to let us know that people today still talk about Enheduana even though she wrote poems and books a very long time ago.
5. Enheduana’s writings are hymns of praise, but they also tell us about the times she lived in. Describe one “current event” that Enheduana wrote about.
Enheduana was writing much about herself, religion and politics. One “current event” that she wrote was about her father, Sargon. It describes the city-states that Sargon had ruled over. They tried to capture Akkhad and banish Inanna from the temples. Sargon won, and Ianna's power new again.