Thursday 28 October 2010


I found writing the conclusion most important because it makes me think and go through what I've researched about, because I've used a bunch of sites, and read through each, and decided how to write out my theories. If didn't include the conclusion, then I wouldn't be able to remember what I was doing. All the theories were really interesting, but if I had to choose one, it would be "A place for the Dead." I chose that theory because I never new that Stonehenge was for people who are buried, I think this is because the archaeologists found hurt knee parts and damaged legs near Stonehenge. Anther thing that I found interesting was that there is Stonehenge that is actually alive. Guess what it is: WOODHENGE.
I learned the above+ how to write an essay. Writing an essay is not easy. First of all you have to find a lot of sites that suit your topic. Then, choose three theory to support the topic-Stonehenge. At the end, you write out the conclusion and with which theory you agree with. Not only that, but writing the actual essay is hard-medium too. If it is interesting to you, (the topic) then you will do the essay easily. If the topic is harder and less amusing, then it won't be so fun doing the essay. I also learned that Stonehenge has a lot of theories- this would be a 10 page reflection if I were to explain each theory-

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