Sunday 28 November 2010

Who were the hobbits?

The hobbits were small humans who suffered from microcephaly-something that produces a small brain and head. An example of a hobbit would be Homo florensis, or “Flores Man.” Hobbits had intensively small brains, but they were also smart. However, people say that the bigger brain, the better. In this case, it’s quite the opposite. Hobbits were very old, about 38,000 to 18,000 years old. How did researchers know this? They used radiocarbon dating to figure out their age. Since they were so old, archaeologists could find their pelvis, skull, hands, feet, and other fragments. They found a female, and found out a lot about her including, how she looked like, and who she mostly related to from ll the early humans that we’ve studied.
We know that most of the early humans made tools, some made advanced tools, and some made poorer tools. These small humans made some kind of tools, but didn’t know how to use them.
Do you want to know how I decided to think of these small humans? The article gave me an idea. “Hobbits are the size of a soccer player today.” This means that we also have short people, which in those days were the hobbits.

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